Dear colleague

Many of you were kind enough to complete our “Second Opinion” survey last year where we asked for your opinion on our service to and engagement with you.

Based on both the quantity and quality of the response we receive from you, our valued partners as well as our members and trustees we have decided to run this survey as an annual measurement tool.

Your input enables us to address queries and needs as well as track performance in terms of engagement and service. It also helps us understand concerns with regard to the broader environment with regard to medical aid cover.

I am also pleased to advise you that your input to the survey played a vital role in the SABC Medical Scheme being named the winner of a GOLD Stevie® Award in the Communications or PR Campaign/Program of the Year - Communications Research category. It is noteworthy that only the top entrant in a category is awarded Gold. The International Business Awards are the world’s premier business awards program. All individuals and organizations worldwide – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - are eligible to submit nominations. The 2024 IBAs received entries from organizations in 62 nations and territories.

As a valued contact partner from Medscheme who deals with the administration of our medical scheme your needs are important to us and your input is crucial to the effectiveness of our stakeholder engagement process.

Please take a few moments of your time to complete this online survey. Results of the survey are being analysed by our external research partners and you will not be identified by name. Anonymity and confidentiality are assured.

Thank you for keeping up the conversation.

Anthony Williams
Chief Executive Officer

Question 1: Perceived role

1.1 Point of contact with the SABC Medical Scheme and its members.

Are you:

Senior management at Medscheme
In benefits administration
At the coalface in dealing with member queries
Claims processing
Accounting Staff
Secretarial Staff
Legal and Technical Staff
Membership Admin

Other (please specify):

1.2 How do you see your role in partnering with the SABC Medical Scheme to deliver service to members? Please respond to each item.

  Yes Maybe No
Administration of benefits
Processing claims
Providing Information to members
Dealing with member queries and complaints
As a liaison between Medscheme staff, the employer and management of the Scheme
Assisting with formulating and updating the Rules of the Scheme
Mandatory Returns to CMS
Ensuring compliance with applicable legislation
Secretarial functions
Communication to members

Other (please specify)

Question 2: Member information needs

2.1 Which of the following items/topics are important to members in your experience.

  Very Important Important Unsure Somewhat Important Not Important
Specific benefits
Changes to benefits
Claims procedures
Payment Processes
Management of the Scheme
Administration of the Scheme
The benefits and services offered by the Scheme

Question 3: Service variables

3.1 How would you rate yourselves/Medscheme on the following items? Please respond to each item.

  Excellent Good Average Poor
Communication with members
The technical competence of Medscheme staff
Accessibility to all stakeholders as a key partner
Medscheme staff accessibility
The attitude of Medscheme staff in dealing with SABC Medical Scheme and its members
Medscheme's credibility (trust and confidence in its services)
Contact personnel's responsiveness to member queries

Question 4. Stakeholder engagement

4.1 Please rate the value of the existing Medical Scheme information and communication channels. Please respond to each item.

  Very valuable Valuable Unaware of this Somewhat valuable Not valuable
The member brochure
Member Induction
Personal e-mails
The Medical Scheme website
The Medical Scheme member portal
Trustee training programmes
The Medical Scheme newsletter
Monthly member statement
Call centre
Client Liaison Consultants

4.2 How would rate SABC Medical Scheme communication with its stakeholders?

  Always Often Sometimes Never Unaware of this
Timeous/on time
Relevant to their needs

Is there anything you would like to tell us with regard to communication and information about the Medical Scheme with yourself as a valued administrative partner?

4.3 The Member Brochure

The Scheme Member Brochure is one of the most important mediums we use in explaining our benefits and procedures to our valued membership base. Please give us your opinion on this medium.

  Strongly agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree
Explains all benefits well
Outlines claims procedures in detail
Includes all exclusions
Is understandable
Uses plain English not jargon
Is legible
Is well designed

4.4 With specific references to social media, which do you think would be the most useful in the future? Please rate the value of each.

  Very Valuable Valuable Of no value Uncertain
Zoom meetings
Our website
Facebook and other social media
The member portal

Do you have any further suggestions on how we can improve Medical Scheme engagement with all stakeholders?

What can we do to further support you in your SABC Medical Scheme partnership role? Please respond to each item.

5. Reputation

5.1. Please rate the performance of the SABC Medical Scheme on the following reputational variables: Please respond to each item.

  Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor Not aware
The expertise of Medscheme as the Administrator
The financial performance of the Scheme
The Scheme’s governance structures
Management of the Scheme and its assets
Member benefits
Compliance and ethics
Credibility within the Medical Scheme environment
Contribution to society

6. Scheme Member Brochure

A WRITTEN summary of the Scheme Member Brochure card was emailed to members as a document in 2022

  Strongly agree Agree Unaware of this Disagree Strongly disagree
Are you aware of the summary
Does it explain our benefits well
Outlines claims procedures in detail
Includes all exclusions
Is understandable
Uses plain English not jargon
Is legible
Is well designed

7. Whistleblowing

7.1 Are you aware of the policy and procedures surrounding whistleblowing and fraud

  Yes No I don't know Unsure
I know who to report to when I suspect suspicious practices
I am aware that there is a fraud line
I have an obligation to report Member fraud
I have an obligation to report suspected Health Provider fraud
I have an obligation to report suspicious practices I observe in my workplace

Is there anything else we should do to facilitate your role as a valued administrative partner of the SABC Medical Scheme?